If this strategy moves forward to the concept design phase, a more refined cost analysis would need to be conducted in parallel with a more detailed drainage needs assessment based on the specific conveyance needs associated with rainfall intensities for a 10-year design storm. However, a review of the effective FEMA Flood Insurance Study and watershed patterns indicates that there is low potential to enhance existing storage capacity in ponds and swamps along the Saw Mill River and its major tributaries. The proposed updates to the drainage design guidelines would most likely increase the number of drainage structures needed at a particular location in comparison with the number of existing structures. Therefore, a conservative (low-risk) approach would be to update current design guidelines to reflect end-of-century projections. sandy extreme weather end hurricane earthquakes awakening heading storm east super [12] See Table 4. The time of recovery/duration of disruption depends on the extent of the rainfall amount and the ability of the drainage system to handle the volume. Located at the County We have a brand new boardwalk at Playland, and things are back to normal. The average annual number of days with over 2 inches of rainfall is projected to increase from 3 (baseline years 2000-2004) to 5 by both 2050 and 2080. Westchester County Emergency Management (WCEM) leads the County's year-round efforts to plan and prepare for hazards of concern that could impact If the roadways elevation is below a storms flood elevation, it will flood. Detailed hydrologic and hydraulic models need to be developed as part of the data collection and analysis process. The balance of travelers was assumed to be able to avoid the hazard with minimal costs due to telecommuting, availability of transit, etc. WebHurricane Sandy As Hurricane Sandy left a wake of destruction across the Mid-Atlantic States and New England, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) mobilized resources This strategy could potentially prevent adverse impacts on mobility and the economy from disruptions to the Parkway, which would otherwise occur during moderate to heavy rainstorms. This debris can influence the shape of the river bed. On November 6, 2012, power was restored. Pollutants can enter the ditch along with stormwater; therefore, the water would need to be treated before it can be discharged into the Saw Mill River. Over at the Pier, our freezer got blown to smithereens, so we had a couple thousand pounds of shrimp strewn across the sea walk area. The flooding of the Saw Mill River is primarily due to inadequate channel conveyance capacity and lack of storage in the watershed. FEMA Flood Insurance Studies and Maps are a public source for flood hazard information and indicate an areas flood risk. Figure 6: Flood Insurance Rate Map at the Saw Mill River, Source: FEMA Flood Map Service, Effective Date September 28, 2007. WHITE PLAINS, NY: Westchester County Clerk Timothy C. Idoni wants to reassure Westchester County residents and business owners not to worry about replacing vital records such as deeds and mortgage As noted in previous sections, a lifecycle cost comparison of these adaptation alternatives can provide further insight into the overall costs and benefits of each alternative. Prior to selecting an alternative, it is important to analyze impacts to both upstream and downstream floodplains. Source: Estimates of the replacement cost and recovery time were provided by NYSDOT Region 8. The Saw Mill River Parkway was built in the 1930s and is under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). Watershed Characteristics: The complexity of the Saw Mill Rivers watershed varies by location and plays a role in triggering riverine flooding events. Press Releases; Departments Look up County department; Boards and Commissions Contacts and meeting schedules; Alerts Goes to Emergency Services. These projections have been developed for NYSERDA in partnership with NYSDOT. While this strategy can lead to enhanced drainage systems in the future, it is assumed in this analysis, that this strategy will not have direct economic, environmental, or equity-related impacts on the Parkway. A culvert is undersized, from a hydraulic engineering perspective, when the calculated peak discharge at the culvert is greater than its capacity. The Parkway extends for 29 miles through Westchester County, New York, beginning at the border of Westchester County and the Bronx as a continuation of the Henry Hudson Parkway, and terminating at an interchange with Interstate 684 and New York State Route 35. When the debris restricts the rivers flow, water is no longer effectively conveyed in the channel. Given this current and projected exposure to precipitation events, the segment is and will be sensitive to the following potential modes of failure: Table 4 provides estimates of the full replacement cost of this 0.2 mile Parkway segment and the recovery time required to restore services at the Parkway after a flooding event. The Parkway extends for 29 miles through Starting Tuesday, Nov. 27, the multi-purpose Hurricane Sandy disaster recovery center in White Plains will have new hours of operation. Considering the per-event costs of moderate to heavy rainstorms impacting the Parkway segment, and the annual frequency of these storms, the cumulative avoided costs as a result of implementing this strategy are significant when compared with the estimated costs of implementing this strategy, which are approximately $1.7 Million, as discussed in detail in Section 6.2.4. However, however the multiple benefits often provide an adequate return on investment if funds are available (see Section 5.2.2 for more details on the environmental benefits of this strategy). A New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)/US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Application Form for a wetland permit must be approved. The drainage system proposed in this strategy would have a lower environmental impact at the outlet compared to conventional systems, as stormwater runoff pollutants would be treated through bioswales, which would remove sediments, reduce nutrient loading and attenuate peak flow conditions from small storms, therefore reducing erosion at the outfalls. The second part of this strategy assumes that NYSDOT and the New York State Thruway Authority would make capital and operational improvements on alternative routes to accommodate detour traffic on days when the Saw Mill River is closed to traffic due to flooding. Debris and the shape of the river bed are both primary providers of flow resistance. Weve lifted several buildings in low-lying coastal areas like Rye and Mamaroneck. Westchester County Disaster Recovery Fund Distributes Hurricane Sandy Relief Grants. The hydraulic model provides water surface elevations that can locate areas of flooding for particular storm events. In addition to raising the Saw Mill River Parkway, all access points to the roadway would need to be reconstructed to meet the parkways new elevation. The government has also become much more restrictive of what you can doif renovations exceed 50 percent of the market value of the property, you have to bring the entire structure up to compliance. Due to maintenance challenges, compounded with the Parkways flat longitudinal slope (grade or incline), these grass ditches are not effectively carrying the water away from the Parkway. Our own office has flooded three times in four years. As a next step after the development of the Master Plan, detailed design/feasibility studies for each proposed strategy including a cost benefit analysis could be conducted. Fuel your car. Both these scenarios represent conditions under which global GHG emissions continue to increase over the course of the century, reflecting only modest improvements in technology and energy efficiency, and a lack of proactive climate policies. Weve properly insured ourselves, repositioned some equipment. First, it would be assumed and accepted that the Saw Mill River Parkway would flood periodically. October 30, 2012, 11:45 AM Oct. 30, 2012 -- A community in Westchester County, N.Y., is in mourning today after two boys, ages 11 and 13, were killed when a Survey Stake-Out (2% of total construction cost), Engineering Cost (13% of total construction cost), Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT). These specifications can be determined once calculations for a conceptual design have been carried out. Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (, Improvements to Drainage Via Green Infrastructure, http://www.safesecurevital.com/uploads/Westchester_English.PDF, http://www.census.gov/prod/2013pubs/acsbr12-02.pdf, https://www.transportation.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/USDOT%20VOT%20Guidance%202014.pdf, http://nhts.ornl.gov/tables09/fatcat/2009/avo_TRPTRANS_WHYTRP1S.html, http://transportation.westchestergov.com/images/stories/pdfs/2014SysMapEng.pdf. Figure 7: Overgrown grass and debris at a curb opening on Saw Mill River Parkway. Undersized culverts can create a bottleneck, restricting the rivers flow, resulting in flooding when the water cannot pass through the culvert and is diverted. WebHome Return to County home page. The curb openings get blocked with debris and the rainwater ponds, flooding the Parkway. During Hurricane Sandy, high winds and storm surge caused damage to Glen Island Park, located on the north shore of Long Island Sound. The cost of updating design guidelines is assumed to be approximately $500,000. This adaptation strategy proposes that asphalt paved ditches replace the unpaved shoulders to more effectively move stormwater away from the Parkway (See Figure 8). [3] There are likely over a hundred bridges on the river. By Barbara Bartell-Kamp. Stakeholders should be engaged at the beginning of the projects planning process. Therefore both the economic travel time and vehicle operating costs per event were multiplied by 90 percent for moderate to heavy rainstorm events and by 40 percent for severe storms/hurricanes. Several segments of the Parkway currently experience flooding during precipitation events of various return periods. Additionally, it is recommended that future assessments include a lifecycle cost analysis to enable a more complete comparison of no action and adaptation alternatives. Some patterns emerged in mapping the deaths in the region. Alternatives to raising or relocating the roadway include: These alternatives will help to improve river conveyance. At this location, natural ditches cannot take the rainwater off the Parkway fast enough during moderate to heavy rainstorms. These implications increase the cost associated with this strategy. NEW YORK As part of an ongoing probe of high gasoline prices in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that he has. NEW YORK As part of an ongoing probe of high gasoline prices in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that he has reached monetary settlements with five more service stations for violations of the New York State Price Gouging statute. Similarly, there is one block group in the southwestern part of Elmsford Village immediately east of the Parkway in which approximately 30 percent of the population is below the poverty level. It is assumed that this strategy can prevent the same adverse mobility-related and economic impacts, as the ones that can potentially be prevented by the strategy which proposes improvements to the drainage system via asphalt ditches. Replacing undersized culverts with larger ones; More frequent maintenance of these structures to prevent debris accumulation. [14] Mileage and time estimates are based on Google Maps. For the Saw Mill River, the outcomes of such a planning process would be prioritized strategies to address storage capacity and structural improvements for the bridges and culverts (see Facility-Level Strategies below for more detail). Existing utilities would need to be evaluated and possibly relocated or raised along with the roadway. The proposed drainage system would not need stormwater quality treatment devices prior to discharging to the Saw Mill River. When Hurricane Sandy hit on Oct. 29, it left more than 300,000 Westchester County residents without power, including more than 11,000 in White Plains, about half of Consolidated Edison's (Middle estimate 25th to 75th percentile). Westchester County Disaster Recovery Fund Distributes Hurricane Sandy Relief Grants Co-Communications, Inc. , Neighbor Posted Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:43 pm ET Weve helped hundreds of businesses, and there are absolutely still businesses out there that need help. This assessment highlights the key causes of riverine flooding and corresponding flood mitigation solutions for the Saw Mill River Parkway corridor. Proposed changes within the Saw Mill River floodplain would require a Floodplain Evaluation Report to be prepared and submitted to NYSDOT. Check with your service providers, said County Executive Robert. October 31, 2012. NRCC provided the projected percent change in the magnitude of precipitation over a duration of 24 hours for precipitation events of various return periods for the mid-century (2040-2069) horizon. During construction, traffic would be disrupted as detours re-route motorists to the New York State Thruway, parallel parkways, and local roads. With the Saw Mill River, as with other rivers, there are various factors that exacerbate the physical limitations of the river channel, thus contributing to flooding of the Saw Mill River Parkway. Hurricane Sandy School Closings Updated 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Based on information received this afternoon from Southern Westchester BOCES, the following schools will be closed on Monday. This total cost includes $350,000 of construction costs. John Cornelius, a business analyst at the Small Business Development Center in Yonkers, reminds us that even two years later, some people are still struggling: Development centers like ours are the face of the HUDs New York Rising program, which offers small businesses grants of $50,000 and low-interest loans for disaster recovery, and its still very active. Weve taken precautions to make sure that if it does happen again, getting back up and running would be a quick process.. If this strategy were to be implemented, the per-event avoided costs from moderate to heavy rainstorms are as follows: Considering these per-event costs of moderate to heavy rainstorms impacting the Parkway segment, and the annual frequency of these storms, the cumulative avoided costs as a result of implementing this strategy are significant when compared with the estimated costs of implementing this strategy, which are less than $1 Million, as discussed in detail in Section 6.1.4. The Parkway segment evaluated in this assessment is located in a floodplain and currently experiences flooding during moderate to heavy rainstorms. The vehicle operating cost per additional vehicle mile traveled includes the cost of gas, maintenance, tires, and half of depreciation, and amounts to $0.32 per mile (in 2012 dollars)[19]. Additional features such as forebays and check dams with bypasses can be installed to manage trash and debris without compromising flow capacities. In this early stage of transportation engineering study and analysis related to extreme weather events and climate, sharing lessons learned is a proven way to expand a transportation agencys ability to address these risks. You may be entitled to some break on your bill due to interruptions in service from Hurricane Sandy. Chapter 8 of the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual specifies that storm drainage systems on interstates and other freeways be designed for a 10-year storm frequency, with locations at sag vertical curves designed for a 50-year storm frequency. With further buildup of debris and/or an increased volume of water in the channel due to a storm event, the river will backup and overflow its banks. Consumers who lost telephone, cable, satellite or other services due to Hurricane Sandy may be entitled to credit or a waiver of extra fees from their providers. Updates to drainage design guidelines could be considered in the short term, particularly if major capital improvements to drainage systems in the state are planned in the near future. Lead time must be factored into the project schedule for the permitting process to be completed prior to construction. At last count, officials were attributing 97 deaths to Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath within a 65-mile radius of New York City, in an area that stretched across New [21] Assumptions were made that 90 percent of travelers would be affected by the moderate to heavy rainstorm event and incur a cost, because transit mode share is already very high for the origin-destination pairs served by bus and rail services, and the majority of those who choose to drive are assumed to attempt the trip during these moderate to heavy rainstorm events. FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) utilize statistical information, such as data for river flow, storm tides, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, and rainfall and topographic surveys to determine flood risk. Ardsley Bedford Blind Brook Bronxville Byram Hills Chappaqua Dobbs Ferry Eastchester Edgemont Elmsford Harrison Hasting-on-Hudson The Parkway extends for 29 miles through Since flooding conditions are similar throughout the Parkway, adaptation strategies developed for this segment could be applied to other segments as well. The automobile occupancy was assumed to be 1.55 persons per vehicle (USDOT). WebHurricane Sandy was the 18th named tropical cyclone of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 - November 30). According to SHPOs Environmental Review Program, projects adjacent to NY State parkland should coordinate with the Environmental Management Bureau for approval. Other contributing factors are described below. Facility scale solutions include structural improvements to the roadway, improvements to network level adaptive capacity, and drainage system improvements coupled with regular maintenance to remove debris. In the absence of this strategy, a detour route must be used by disadvantaged populations when the Parkway is closed due to flooding. The ground cover/development (e.g., previous grass or impervious pavement), average basin slope, basin response time (time of concentration[2]), and availability of flood storage in the watershed affect the amount of storm water runoff reaching the river. Source: The construction costs were calculated with unit prices based on the New York State Department of Transportation Pay Item Catalog (PIC), which includes regional and statewide average awarded price history as soon as a project has been awarded. Public outreach and coordination will need to be performed and all towns will be involved in the decision making process. Intense Rainfall Events: During a storm event, precipitation and storm water runoff increase the volume, as well as peak flows in the Saw Mill River. See Figure 10 and Figure 11 for the IDF curves for precipitation events of 10- and 50-year return periods. Its mostly restaurants, marinas, shops doing industrial work along the Hudson River. Hurricane Sandy barreled into Westchester on Oct. 29, bringing high winds that toppled hundreds of trees and caused coastal flooding along the Long Island Sound and Hudson River. WebHurricane Sandy (unofficially referred to as Superstorm Sandy) was an extremely destructive and strong Atlantic hurricane, as well as the largest Atlantic hurricane on Closure of the Parkway would affect commuter traffic as it serves as a commuter route to Hudson River villages, Yonkers and Manhattan and as a reverse commute route to Tarrytown, White Plains and other destinations in the vicinity. It will cost approximately $1.7 Million[22] to construct the recommended drainage design improvements utilizing bioswales along the 0.2 mile Parkway segment (See Table 8). Note: Data on end-of-century projections can be requested from the Northeast Regional Climate Center. [24] A Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) is FEMAs comment on a proposed project that would, upon construction, affect the hydrologic or hydraulic characteristics of a flooding source and thus result in the modification of the existing regulatory floodway, the effective Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), or the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The delay imposed by a detour due to each event was assumed to be approximately 9 minutes with traffic (equivalent to 3 miles)[14], assuming the use of I-287 West, I-87 South, and the Cross County Parkway West in the southbound direction and the same route in reverse in the northbound direction. Parkway Orientation in Floodplain: Finally, the location and elevation of the Saw Mill River Parkway in a floodplain is a major indicator of the likelihood of its flooding. based on LF (SF bid cost) = 792,000, Pavement Restoration at Pipe Crossings = $65,400. This block group is located north of Parkway segment evaluated in this assessment, and commuters in this block group going south towards New York City would be impacted if the segment is closed, assuming they use the Parkway. The first step in the watershed planning process is to identify areas of concern and key stakeholders, and set end-goals for improvements. A bridge with an inadequate opening height above a riverbed can become inundated when the water elevation rises due to a storm event. Permitting process to be performed and all towns will be involved in the watershed process. Conceptual design have been developed for NYSERDA in partnership with NYSDOT 3 ] are! 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